Hobong Kim
1995~96 New York University Graduate School, New York
1991~92 HONG-IK Graduate School, Seoul
1981~84 HONG-IK University, Fine Arts, Seoul
1993 Award of Special at MBC Broad casting ArtGrand Prize Competition,Center of Art, Seoul
1992 Award of Excellence at JUNG-ANG News paperArt Grand Prize Competition, Hoam gallery, Seoul
1992 Award at The Korea Art Grand Prize CompetitionNational Museum of Modern Art, Seoul
1991 Award at JUNG-ANG News paper Art Grand Prize Competition, Hoam gallery,Seoul
1990 Award at The Korea Art Grand Prize Competition,National Museum of Modern Art, Seoul
1990 Award at JUNG-ANG News paper Art Grand Prize Competition, Hoam gallery, Seoul
1990 Award at Dong-A News paper Art Grand Prize CompetitionNational Museum of Modern Art, Seoul
1989 Award of special at JUNG-ANG News paper Art Grand Prize,Hoam gallery, Seoul
Solo exhibition
2024 14th "Others" Artfield Gallery, Seoul
2024 13th "Unfamiliar time Unfamiliar space ", Gala art center, New York
2023 12th "New York Rhapsody" Gallery Kwang Hwa Moon, Seoul, Korea
2023 11th "New York Rhapsody " Gallery H, Seoul, Korea
2022 10th "New York Rhapsody in the Box", ACC gallery,NJ, USA
2020 9th “New York, New York, The lack of ~”, Kcc gallery, NJ
2019 8th 4W43 gallery, New York, N.Y.
2018 7th Space Sun + ,Seoul
2017 6th Riverside gallery, NJ
2011 5th Gallery Bennett, NJ, USA
2007 4th Gallery Bennett NJ, USA
1997 3rd Washington square east gallery, New York
1991 2nd Now gallery, Seoul
1989 1st Soo gallery, Seoul
Collaboration exhibition
1st "voiceless" Noho gallery, 1998, New York
2nd " voiceless" studioventicinque, 1999, Millano, Italy
Art Fair
2023 KIAF SEOUL, Coex Hall, Seoul, Korea Mizuma & Kips Gallery, New York
2023 Plas Art Show,2023 Coax Hall, Seoul Korea, Art & Company, Seoul
2021 L.A. Art Fair, Los Angeles, CA
2013 Affordable art fair, Chelsea, NY
Selected Group exhibition
2024 Arrivals/Departures – East80West, Bergen Gallery, Bergen community college, NJ USA
2023 청담동생전, Gallery Doo, Seoul, Korea
2022 York Mang (욕망), 김호봉(Hobong Kim), 최윤정(Yun jung Choi) 김남주(Namjoo Kim) 3인전, artleon, Seoul Korea
2022 'Different Perspectives: MeeWha Alana Lee, Hobong Kim, Kidong Kwon', 3인전, Pariskohfinearts gallery,NJ
2021 "WE RISE 20 Years After 9/11 ", One art space, New York, NY
2021 JCAST, Mora Museum, Jersey City, NJ
2021 KCC Pandemic Through Art Open Call Award Exhibition, Kcc gallery, Tenafly, NJ
2021 “THE RIGHT TO SILENCE”, Anya and Andrew Shiva Gallery Online show,John Jay College, New York, NY
2020~21 “공감 2020”, gallery ArtLeon, Seoul, Korea
2020 “ 42nd Annual Juried Art Exhibition, Monmouth Museum, Main gallery, N.J.
2020 Serendipity,& Golden show online, Townley gallery, NY, NY.
2019 NJ SEOUL "new art from the korean diaspora" Gallery Bergen, NJ
2016 Seoul - New York Project, Riverside gallery, NJ
2015 ARTMORA gallery, NY,NY
2015 “Stories” KCC gallery, NJ
2013 LUMINOSITY, Radianceart gallery, west hollywood, CA
2012 "sense or non sense" Gallery Bennett, NJ
2007~2008 Winter 0708, Art Gate gallery New York,NY
2007 AWCA member show Art center Northern NJ, New Milford, NJ
2006 AWCA member show Bellski Museum Closter,NJ
2005 AWCA member show Fair Lawn Library, Fair Lawn, NJ fall art show ACC gallery,Fort Lee, NJ holiday show ACC gallery,Fort Lee, NJ
2003 spring show Parker gallery Fort Lee, NJ
2000 self & other , Gallery Korea, New York
1999 "New Millennium Show” Lindenberg gallery, New York
1998 "on threshold", Generous & Miracles gallery, New York
1997 Group Show, reggio gallery, New York
1997 This Media,NYU Cantor Media Center, New York
1993-92 "ORIGIN", Fine arts Center, Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul
1992 The Seoul Method Exhibition, Fine Art Center
1992-89 The Seoul contemporary Art Festival, Fine arts Center
1992-88 "Mass-9", Fine arts Center, Seoul
1991 Development and Extention of Contemporary Fine arts,Kum-Ho gallery, Kwang-Joo
1990-92 "THE PHASE" Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul
1988-85 Hong-Ik Print Making group exhibition, Fine arts Center, Seoul
1990 "Dong-E 4333" Hyun-Dae gallery, Seoul1989 One Twelfth Exhibition, Kwanhoon gallery, Seoul
1989 Korea Contemporary of 30 Artists Exhibition, Berlin Germany
1989 Contemporary Art by 10 Artists, Cheongnam gallery, Seoul
1988 Contemporary Print Combined Exhibition,Hyun-Dae gallery, Seoul
1987 A time Expression 15 Artists Exhibition, Batanggol gallery, Seoul
1985 Frontier Art Festival, Seok gallery, Seoul
1985 BAHIA Papelarte Exhibition, Bahia, Brazil
Selected Public Collections
SAMSUNG ,Seoul Korea
Korean community Center, New Jersey, U.S.A.
2024 cove image on the book, ABCs of Immigration, Asian Heritage Committee, Bergen Community College, NJ
1992 에곤 쉴레(Egon Schiele)의 에로티시즘 회화에 관한 연구( A study on Egon Schiele's erotic paintings)
/ 金壕鳳 著, 발행사 서울 : 弘益大學校, 1992
Contact me
201 390 6275 (USA)